Just a quick look at my outfit from yesterday... I bought this trench last weekend from the Gap, which was having a huge sale: 40% off already marked-down merchandise! Needless to say, it was a maaaaajor steal... Double fist pump!
So how is everyone celebrating the long weekend? I'll be volunteering at a local festival all weekend, but I hope to have a little free time to explore and have some fun... What about you?? Whether you're a fellow Canadian kicking it Canada Day style today, or a lovely American getting ready for the 4th of July, I hope you all have nice, relaxing weekends! Until Monday... xx
Outfit details: trench- Gap; tee- Zara; jeans- Gap; gladiators- Forever 21; bag- H&M; necklaces- House of Harlow & borrowed (from mom!); resin bangles- thrifted; ring- YSL

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