Wardrobe Wednesday...




Remember when I went thrifting last week? Well a few of you asked me to show you what I actually bought that day, not just the kooky things I tried on... Ask and you shall receive, my friends!

The first thing is something you've already seen, but probably didn't realize at the time. Figured it out yet? That's right, it's the "80's fuchsia" vest from my last post! I pretty much died when I saw it; the colour is amazing and so is the cut- like one of the Golden Girls (Blanche, of course) went on a safari. Too much detail? Fine, I'll move on...

The second thing I bought was a vintage Coro necklace... Isn't it pretty? I love the red resin leaves and how they look wrapped around the neck. And the best part? This little collectable was only $3.99! Not that I'm bragging or anything ;)

Finally, I left Value Village with a delightfully pleated purple maxi (say that five times fast!), which you'll be seeing more of tomorrow... Get this, I was actually planning on going to American Apparel to get another maxi when I found this one for a fraction of the price ($7.99)! I can officially die a happy girl.

And although I didn't buy these shoes at VV that day, I wanted to show you my latest footwear acquisition nonetheless. I bought these BCBG sandals at Winners, get this, ON SALE! A sale on sale priced merchandise; it doesn't get much better than that. I practically skipped out of the store, that's how happy I was. And in case you were wondering, I scored these bad boys for only $40. Life is good, my friends...



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