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Winter Blues

The only thing that's been going through my head the last couple of weeks is my portfolio for art foundation and my textiles final piece. I'm so excited to start making my final dress and show it to all of you (in hopefully a fantasy themed photoshoot) at the end of December. It's quite hard to believe that all of this work for the past 6 months or so has been leading up to just 12 hours of actual making work, but I hope it paid off! As for the portfolio, I've got to start putting all of my best work together for my application as soon as possible so I've been racking my brains for original ideas. What have you all been doing recently? 

Normally I don't show outfit posts that I've actually been wearing the day I post them but I genuinely did wear this today! The dress is from Topshop which I bought years ago. It's a great simple piece to layer with though the colour can be a bit tricky. I made the jumper last year and I showed it in this post when it snowed (Have you heard the rumours about the snow that's coming to the UK?). I find it quite stressful wearing tights and having to match the right pair to an outfit (other people must surely feel the same?) and I've ended up becoming a bit boring and have been lacking courage to go for anything over than a simple black/grey pair. I'm sure you are all fed up of seeing my studded boots by now...I've already started thinking about shoes for Spring though! I definitely feel like my styling has been pretty bad recently and I'm not very happy with my outfit posts (and as I'm trying to save my money for Christmas time I've not had the chance to buy anything new) so I'm hoping my current wardrobe boredom will cure itself soon and that I don't bore all of you in the meantime!

What do you think of my outfit?

dress - Topshop
jumper - homemade
boots - ebay


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