{Wardrobe Wednesday} Lips Rings

 photo SaveOrSplurgeLipsRings_zpsc8170b92.jpg
This Wardrobe Wednesday features a save or splurge component which doesn't quite apply to me because — let's face it — I had to go be all greedy and buy both. To be fair, I ordered the CC Skye version online before I knew Forever 21 carried a fun, Lulu Frost-inspired version for a fraction of the price. Woe is me. Regardless, I felt the need to have both. Because really, after shelling out over 100 big ones for a trend item, what's five more.

The verdict? Despite the aforementioned trend (read: fleeting) nature of the design, I actually much prefer the CC Skye version. It's smaller, more streamlined and far more flattering to wear, translating to 20x more use than it's inexpensive counterpart... So on a cost-per-wear basis, the CC Skye version is actually a way better deal, right? Oh come on, humour me.

In other news, congrats to Kirsten Butler for winning a copy of Alexa Chung's new book, "It" — Enjoy, girl! 


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