Always down for a little stripe-on-stripe action (does that sound weird?), I thought I would go for gold by pairing vertical and horizontal stripes, a no-no by most quadra-plus-generarian standards. Regardless, I'm digging the combo and how it just happened to perfectly match the backdrop... Talk about a happy accident! To illustrate the awesomeness of this outfit/backdrop combo-coincidence, I'd like to borrow these sage words from ICP: "There's enough miracles here to blow your brains... Magic everywhere in this bitch." Well said boys... well said.
Denim jacket- H&M | striped shirt- Zara | striped skirt- Forever 21 | heels c/o Sole Society | neon crossbody bag- Cambridge Satchel | collar necklace- Forever 21 | ring- J.Crew | bracelet- The Bay | watch- Michael Kors
Photos by Sandy Joe Karpetz
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