You guys know I'm a sucker for girlie, over-the-top proclamations of love and the like (ummm, hello!), so naturally a theme week was in order... First up, the colour scheme. Nothing says Valentine's day quite like a little pink-and-red action, so to honour that I went waaaay overboard with both. Typical. To bring this point home, let me tell you a little story: When I described this outfit to my friend Ashley yesterday, she lifted her hand, drew a deep breath and matter-of-factly said "no" before I could get past the varsity jacket. She was probably right but what can I say, I'm a sucker for a little festive colour blocking... Bring it on, Valentine's! xx
Outfit details: varsity jacket- Forever 21; blouse- Topshop; dress- Forever 21; necklace- Urban Outfitters; navajo sequin clutch- Topshop; pumps- ShoeMint; bracelet- House of Harlow; watch- Michael Kors
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