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{Life Log} Confessions of a Shopaholic...


My shopping ban has come and gone, and difficult as it was at times, I learned a thing or two along the way... So I guess in retrospect it was kind of a good thing— Kind of. No but seriously, I'm really glad I took a break long enough to appreciate my pre-existing wardrobe and all the things I can do with less.

The biggest thing I learned during my month of no shopping was that I spend waaaay too much money on clothes. And the more I buy, the more I seem to want to buy. It's a strange, vicious cycle, and half the time I don't even wear some of the things that come home with me... What's up with that? Seriously, the top I wore in this post was bought over five years ago and it had never been worn— It still had its tags!

Now don't get me wrong, I still love shopping as much as the next girl, I just don't want to mindlessly buy things because I think I should... That's just not healthy. Because in the age-old words of Carrie Bradshaw herself, "Why are we should-ing all over ourselves?" I think homegirl was on to something.

So here's to taking a step back and learning to love what we have... I know I will. xx

Outfit details: jacket- Zara; sweater- TNA; plaid pants- Uniglo; booties- Forever 21


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