I'm back from New York, and although my heart is heavy (Edmonton just doesn't quite compare!), I'm energized by my time there. All that hustle and pumped-up energy really inspired me to work twice as hard to achieve my goals (of which there are many), and I suddenly feel like the impossible is within reach... Talk to me in a few weeks when my NYC-high has faded, but for now let's just roll with it, shall we?
So here's to all of us making our dreams come true, no matter how big or small they happen to be! xx
Outfit details: blouse- Forever 21; faux leather shorts- H&M; bag- Michael Kors; booties- Aldo; polka dot tights- Hue; necklace- Forever 21; bracelets- House of Harlow & the Bay; rings- J.Crew & DIY; watch- Michael Kors
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