After a very red, red eye flight, Janis and I put our adventuring caps on and traipsed around the city, trusty cameras in tow. After the initial shock of arriving finally sank in, all we wanted to do was explore every last inch of the city. Stunned by the sights, architecture and crazy-cool city vibe, we crammed as many activities into our first day as our sleep-deprived bodies would allow... And believe me, it was worth it.
We made new friends, did a little shopping (can you say studded leather jacket much?), shared a mutual disdain for Times Square (ick), explored some quaint neighbourhoods/restaurants, and finished the evening on the most magical of rooftop patios (our hotel is pretty much the greatest). All in all, it's been a great start to what I hope will be an even greater trip... Thanks for reading along friends! xx
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