Good morning, lovelies! As you read this, I'll be on a flight to New York with my lovely friend Janis for the very first time!!! Now I know this might not seem like the biggest deal in the world to some of you, but going to NYC has been my dream for longer than I can remember, and I'm beside myself with excitement — Eeeeek!
Janis and I plan on getting into ample shenanigans while away (including IFB, FNO and as much shopping as we can handle!), and naturally we want you guys to be a part of it. So with that in mind, we'll both be blogging throughout the trip, giving you guys live updates here and on Twitter and Instagram... Get ready!
Outfit details: polka dot blouse- Forever 21; leopard skirt- Urban Behavior; hat- H&M; bag- vintage Liz Claiborne; booties- Aldo; necklace & bracelets- Forever 21; watch- Michael Kors
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