I've always admired Tom Binns and his amazing baubles, but it wasn't until last week that I realized I could recreate his Slap Dash collection with nothing but a bottle of nail polish and a cheap necklace... Mind blowing. Anyway, I quickly became obsessed, checking out practically every DIY post to ever grace the Internet - Hey, better late than never, right? This one from Make Me Sparkly was really helpful and clear, and made me seriously itch to try out this DIY for myself...
I figured Forever 21 would be my best bet for a simple, inexpensive rhinestone necklace, and low and behold, I was right... $17 later I had both a necklace AND the perfect shade of nail polish for my little project. Fist pump. Two coats of nail polish (and several bouts of lightheadedness) later, I had a Tom Binns-inspired necklace of my very own... God bless the Internet.

Have you guys tried any cool DIY's lately? Share the love! xx

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