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a thrifting I will go...




I decided to spend my afternoon off thrifting and antiquing today, which is pretty much my all-time favourite passtime... My first stop was Value Village, and although it was nowhere near as fabulous as the one in Victoria, I still managed to scoop up a couple of scores. I've been on the hunt for a pair of vintage cowboy boots for ages now, so you can imagine how psyched I was to find these powder blue leather boots for a mere $7.99! Woot woot! They're super comfy and in great condition, which makes me a very happy girl... Next I found a red plaid blanket, ideal for cuddling up on the couch or picnicing in the summer, and for only $2.99, it was waaay to cute to resist. I also picked up a forest green snakeskin belt there, as well as a just-for-fun ring in honour of my new province... And all for under $15, might I add! Man, I love thrifting.

Next I stopped at an antique mall, where I had to seriously restrain myself from buying all their incredible collectables! I managed to be good though, and only bought an Italian glass vase in a gorgeously vivid blue (the photo doesn't do it justice), as well as a matte white Kaiser vase that's the perfect addition to my little collection... Double fist pump! All in all, a perfect afternoon...


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