I was craving an easy DIY this weekend, so I decided to whip out my trusty Shrinky Dinks and try my hand at a simple, lucite-inspired statement earring. I have a hard time wearing larger earrings because I find them too heavy and taxing on my lobes, so this fun, lightweight solution really appealed to me. Read on for instructions!

- Shrinky Dinks (available at any craft store)
- Scissors
- Holepunch
- Paper + pen
- Jewelry glue
- Decorative gems
- Jump rings + earring hooks
1. Trace your shape onto a Shrinky Dinks sheet, making it three times larger than your desired end result.
2. Cut out the shape, taking care to even out the edges.
3. Punch a small hole into the top of your shape, then bake the shapes according to the instructions on the Shrinky Dinks package.
4. Once cooled, start gluing decorative gems and pearls onto the surface of the earrings.
5. Secure the earring hooks to the base with a jump ring.
6. Give yourself a pat on the back — you're done!

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