I'm a big Kenzo fan, and even though I still have tiger fever, I was pretty excited by their new eye motif... Plus the fact that I could quickly and easily recreate the clutch for a whole lot less didn't hurt either.
Wanna get your Kenzo on too? Grab your art supplies ladies, because this DIY is as fun as it is simple!
- Simple black clutch (I got mine from Forever 21)
- Black sharpie
- White acrylic paint
- Thin brush

Start by drawing the eye shape on the clutch using a black Sharpie (Note: Don't worry about making mistakes at this stage — you'll be covering over the marker soon). Using small, even brushstrokes, start painting in the whites of the eye with your acrylic paint. Give the clutch a second coat of paint, and once your design is completely dry, clean up any smudges with your Sharpie... Easy does it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this DIY project, and as always, thanks for reading! xx
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