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Keeping it Bright in Glass Boutique

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(Pendleton biker gilet c/o Glass Boutique, vest by Keep it Bright, bag Spell Byron Bay, hat H&M)

Hey guys! Just a quick post whilst I have internet for about half an hour (its not been installed in my new apartment yet) just wanted to show you this dreamy Pendleton vest that I got sent by the guys at Glass Boutique. I've lusted after pretty much anything made in the traditional Pendleton wool patterns so was delighted when this turned up at my front door! The best part is that Glass Boutique has a sale on right now and they have some absolute bargains! Check them out HERE.

And last but not least, I recently found about about a girl in Manchester named Zara, who's started Keep it Bright UK. She doesn't just make vests like the one that I'm wearing but has a Big Cartel site where you can get your paws on iphone cases, beanies and even books full of her inspiring quotes and artworks. Speaking from experience, her words definitely inspire you to keep it bright and count your blessings on a daily basis, I love the brand and everything it stands out so check it all out HERE.

And thats all from me!

Lots of love, I'm off to Asia again on Monday so I'll be MIA again for a while, but I'm sure I'll have lots of lovely posts for you when I get back.

Penny xo 

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