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Daniel Details

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(Dress c/o Spell Designs, Boots c/o Daniel Footwear, bra H&M, necklace H&M, socks Topshop)

Hey guys! I'm ill this week which absolutely sucks (everyone get out your tiny violins) Obviously if I was better, I'd be going on some super romantic date with an absolute hunk tomorrow, but you know, these things happen! (Totally going to sit in with a glass of wine, a tub of ice cream and a soppy Hugh grant film for company)

In the meantime, I just wanted to do a quick post to show you guys my amazing boots from the guys at Daniel footwear. These black leather beauties have been a god send in the snow and as I'm the clumsiest person ever, I definitely benefit from a practical shoe in these conditions (I'm talking Bambi on Ice people) They're amazing quality and I feel like they'll look even more beautiful when I've worn them to death! You can grab yourselves a pair HERE.  And I'll defo be posting in these soon when Im better!

Anyways, have a beautiful Valentines day everyone whatever you're doing and to all my single ladies, remember that it's only one day of the year and boys are rubbish anyway.

Lots of love always

Penny xo


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