5 standout collections at LFW...

... apart from Sass and Bide and David Koma which you can find here and here. I thought London Fashion Week was really great this season. All of the collections seemed to be exceptional and all designs were incredible both from regular designers and new designers. I've picked out my personal 5 favourite collections. Here they are...

Antonio Berardi
I'll admit I haven't taken much notice of this designer before, but scrolling through his latest collection I must say I was really impressed. Although, these designs aren't the most creative and 'out there', they're extremely well designed and still exciting to look at. I'd definitely wear one of these designs myself - I mean look at that red leather dress!

 Christopher Kane
Everyone loves Christopher Kane, and so do I, but the truth is I hadn't been feeling 'it' over the last couple of seasons, but this collection has made me love his designs again. I felt that his last collections were quite simple and there was never that spark or that unique quality. This collection, however, is far more exciting and unusual. 

Fyodor Golan 
 This collection is seriously exciting. The shapes and textures are all brilliantly designed and there is a wonderful mix of different designs and garments. I'm definitely going to be looking out for this designer next season. 

Marios Schwab
Again, another designer I hadn't noticed much before. This collection is stunning.  Velvet and leather is always the perfect mix! (Look at that stunning blue velvet dress!). I can't wait to see what else this designer creates next season.

 Peter Pilotto
I was seriously impressed by this collection. It's quite weird to think that this is a winter collection what with it being so colourful and vibrant, but I love this! The sculpture and shape here is brilliant and the prints are really exciting (a slight Mary Katrantzou feel about them). 

What did you think of London Fashion Week? Which were your favourite collections?

Also, thank you so much to all of my followers - I've reached 200 on GFC! I hope you enjoy reading the blog as much as I enjoy writing it!


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