Ok, this is just a quick one as it's New Years Eve and I'm just about to drive to Leeds to spend New Year at a black tie party with some of my bestest friends (keeping it classy.) I won't get too mushy, but I'd just like to thank all of my followers both on GFC and on Twitter/ BlogLovin for the support you've given me over the last year. Its been an mixed year and blogging has got me through a lot, so thank you for always coming back even though I'm ridiculously rubbish at posting as frequently as I should (sorry again about that)
I hope you all have the best New Year and I hope that 2013 brings you everything you dream of and more. I'm hoping that 2013 will bring me the ability to post more frequently and hopefully consist of a lot less drama. Here's hoping!
Thank you again and lots of love for the last time in 2012
P.s you can catch me in this week's issue of More! Magazine on a little party outfit feature so check it out if you fancy it :)
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