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Naty Grams

Hello beauties! I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend and Thanksgiving!  It's been really cold over here and I haven't had much time to get my regular outfit posts in so I decided to do another instagram pic round up today.  Hope you like! 

Make sure to follow me: @natybaby if you aren't already! :) 

1. Keeping warm with this super cute headwrap from H&M.  I really love fall & winter accessories.  There's so many ways to stay warm and stylish at the same time. 

2. My new baby! I finally got my own camera: CANON REBEL T3I.  My mom and sis helped chipped in for my birthday gift and I got this on sale on black Friday.  So excited to start using it! 

3. Wearing my new scarf c/o Mod4rnTrend.  I absolutely love the details and it's versatility!

4. BELIEVE.  I absolutely love NYC during the holiday season!  

5. Obsessed with this oversized sweater from Zara!  It's one of the most comfortable tops I own and if I could wear it every day I would lol 

6. I Mustache You A Question But I'll Shave It For Later ;) I posted this in honor of MOVEMBER, no shave November.  Obsessed with my mustache mug from Urban Outfitters. 

7.  A little collage I made with some of my recent outfits over the past few months. 

8.  I wish that more people lived by this!  There should be more love spread. 

9. Comfy H&M sweater and studded bag c/o OASAP

Enjoy the rest of the day lovelies! xo 


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