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Button up

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This is my first ever official blog post. I wasn’t sure at first what it should be about but looking at the  dreadful weather and the rapidly dropping temperatures, I felt I had to share my expanding coat wardrobe with you. (This may be quite a long post!)

I absolutely love a jacket and I would say it’s definitely the one thing that gets me through the winter months! It’s great when you go into a shop and find the perfect winter jacket that you can wear for pretty much the whole of winter. I, however, seem to have managed to have stacked up 6 jackets over the past few years and won’t throw any of them away (I’ve always stuck with the philosophy that you may as well keep something since you never know when it might come in handy i.e. I just don’t like throwing away my clothes, It’s too sad!). Out of my 6 jackets, I’ve got a few different styles and I can usually find at least one jacket that will go with my outfit. (Although, there have been many stressful occasions when I’ve found the perfect outfit but it’s too warm/cold to wear the best jacket!). Anyway, here is my current coat/jacket wardrobe...
Vero Moda

This is pretty much my favourite coat. I bought it at the end of my GCSE’s and have worn it pretty much all of the time since. I just love the fur and the leather. It has a sort of rock chick look to it and if you wear it with tight black trousers, it does make you look a bit like you’ve just come off a motorbike, but I often choose to tone the rock look down a bit! The leather biker jacket style is definitely a big hit this season and mixed with the faux fur, it was certainly a worthwhile buy (at about £60). There’s no doubt I’ll be wearing it next winter as well.

The base of this jacket was one of my Dad’s old shirts. I’d been looking for a military-style jacket for ages on eBay but was yet to find one and I didn’t want to spend £60 on one from the high street, when I could just customise an old shirt. I liked the colour of this shirt but I wanted the sleeves to be different, so I cut them off and replaced them with some sleeves I’d made from a fake leather fabric I had. I then replaced the cuffs with the originals. Also to spruce it up a bit, I added some gold studs on the collar (I keep seeing studs everywhere at the moment). I often like to pair the jacket with some high-waisted black trousers I have.

This is also one of my favourite ones. I bought this at the vintage market in Brick Lane (the best place to buy vintage!) last year. It was only about £30 which was quite a good deal considering you can buy similar in Topshop for at least £70. The colour definitely attracted me to it and I also really liked the cropped style it had. This was actually the first vintage piece I owned.

This is a coat I found in my grandma’s wardrobe. I liked the fabric but obviously didn’t want it quite so long, so I just made it shorter. It’s very cosy and I can see myself wearing this a lot this winter.

I made this jacket last year-ish. It was the first and only jacket I’d made and it didn’t go quite according to plan so I had to adjust it a bit. However, it turned out quite well and I was actually quite impressed with my sewing skills—especially on the body of the coat since it has many sections to it and amazingly I managed to find some buttons that matched perfectly with the tweed fabric.

Last but not least, this is a blazer that my mum gave to me a few years ago. Originally, my mum and I attached some silver shiny fabric to the cuffs (this was actually a trend back then) to spruce it up. Instead of this, I wanted to make it look quite vintage-y. I found some nice fabric from the lining of the inside of one of my Dad’s old coats. I used this to create some cuffs and also to add this to the collar. This didn’t turn out quite how I wanted it to (bad sewing etc.) but it looks alright. I also added a few... I don’t actually know what they’re called...eyelets?, studs?. Anyway I added these to the collar.


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