(Shirt courtesy of Jovonna London, glasses ebay, Shorts vintage Levis from Tokyo, boots Boohoo.com, necklace courtesy of Forever21, rings by me, black ball of fluff: Tizzy)
Ok, so these glasses were actually a huge Ebay fail. My intentions were to buy some lovely little clear lens glasses and look like the blonde, female version of Jonny Depp (in hindsight this was probably a ridiculous idea anyway). However, things didn't go to plan and these huge monstrosities arrived that pretty much take over my whole face meaning that I actually look like a blonde, female Woody Allen. But true to form, I thought Id wear them anyway and get my £4 worth and also give you guys a giggle in the process. I love this shirt that the guys over at Jovonna London sent me.The collar tips and shoulder detail make what would otherwise be a very girly shirt into my new wardrobe staple. For those that follow me on Twitter you probably will have seen me moaning (alot) about being ill last week, but I now seem to be on the mend and have a pile of amazing things to show you all :) Ive also had my hair scraped back like this for most of the week. I haven't done a post with my crazy barnet in an up do for ages so yeah... this is how I have my hair when I'm feeling lazy. Anyways, enjoy your Sunday lovelies and dont forget to take a few seconds to vote for me (if you want) in the Cosmo Blog awards.... I will be your best friend forever if you do :) Much love as always xo
And here's my favourite song at the moment... Hope you like.
And here's my favourite song at the moment... Hope you like.
Twitter: @penelopesarah
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