I love Wes Anderson more than words, so you can imagine my excitement when Moonrise Kingdom was released not long ago... But try as I might to make it to a show, something always seemed to get in the way— until this past Friday, that is. Mr. AiF and I finally got it together and went to see what is perhaps the most darling movie ever made... Hands down. I only wish my outfit matched the momentous occacion, but hey, in my defence it was really, really hot. So this neon dress from H&M had to do... what can I say, it's well ventilated.
If you haven't seen MK yet, do so immediately!!! It's amazing... *sigh*
Outfit details: neon pink dress- H&M; woven leather belt- vintage; aqua tote- Michael Kors; necklace- Forever 21; sandals- Michael Kors
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