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Me in More! Magazine

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket (Skirt and sequin tee Topshop, shoes Jeffrey Campbell)

Ok, I have been dying to share these photos with you guys for weeks, but the feature is finally published and I'm in more! magazine this week! It all seemed a bit surreal when the girls at More! contacted me and asked me to take part in a style feature that would be published a few weeks later. Obviously I jumped at the chance and when the shoot meant I got to prance around in this turquoise skirt I got even more excited! Obviously I'm not too sure about the photo (I will always be my own worst critic) but I've had lots of support and I've really appreciated it!.... plus my mum has bought about ten copies (Thanks mum) So yeah.... if you want to see me looking like a Harajuku baby parrot.... Go buy More! xo


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