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A Colorful Night

Happy Saturday and happy weekend! Last night I went to the city for some drinks and it was the perfect opportunity to wear this dress that I picked up 2 weeks ago.  Originally I wanted to wear this with white shoes, but since they haven't come in yet I found these other ones instead that matched perfectly with the leaves in this dress.  Let me know what you think!

Dress: Forever21
Shoes: Mandee
Bag: H&M 
Lipstick: MAC Nicki 

I love asymmetrical dresses and I love floral print so I got the best of both worlds with this dress.  The colors are great to play around with and perfect for spring and summer time.  I also really like the small opening in the back.  The dress came with a slip underneath also which was a plus.

Every now and then I go to Mandee to check out their shoes because I find some great ones at really good prices.  People are always surprised when they find out that I get some nice shoes there.  So when I found these I really fell in love with the color.  I also love the style of them too.  These are like a sea green/mint color and as I mentioned above they match with the leaves in the dress.  The more obvious choice would be to go with a coral shade, but I really like how they look with this! 

My accessories are Forever21 necklace and earrings, H&M cuff, rings and this little shoulder bag.  My friends couldn't believe that I fit everything I needed in this tiny thing!  I wanted a pink lip so I went with one of my favorite shades, Nicki! 

Hope that you are enjoying so far! 



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