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Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketMe and Liz from 3ElevenBoutique Photobucket Photobucket (Photos taken by me and the wonderful Aime I wore a vintage cheesecloth top, fedora hat from H&m and lace up leggings by Goldie)
OK, so this is a bit of a change from my regular posts, but I thought I'd share more of a personal/social kinda thang with you guys..... mix it up a bit. Friday night me and my bestests headed to the Wallin' exhibition in Manchester. A photography exhibition by my friend Matthew Comer...(you can see some of his work and like his page HERE ) The guy's a true example of how you can make anything happen if you truly put your mind to it, the buzz created around the night was insane and it soon became pretty obvious that if you weren't going you were clearly mental. But this wasn't just an exhibition. Matt and the Comer collective managed to bring together photography, amazing food from Jamie's Italian, beautiful people AND free drinks in the beautiful, brand new venue of 2022nq in Manchester. It's probably one of the best nights out I've had in a while.... and inspired me so much that I decided to make this post a Black and white one in true Comer stylee. So thanks Matt and thanks to all of the beautiful people I met. Much Love. Penny xo


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