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Sunshine makes everything better...

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket ... And last but not least, I'd like to introduce you to my new little puppy Tizzy. She's a puli like Teddy and quite frankly is the sister that I never had, Ive had to wait a while to post a pic as she tends to look like a black fluffy blob on photos. Photobucket (Ganesh tee ebay, jeffrey campbell spike litas with rainbow laces from ebay)

So I finally managed to track down one of these amazing tees, unfortunately it was a Large so I decided to style it out and wear it as a dress instead, and I'm pretty happy with it seeing as it's perfect for this amazing Summer weather, and I'm not against showing a bit of leg. I also wanted you all to see my new little puppy Tizzy as she's way cuter than me and I thought you guys would enjoy a break from my face. this is just a short post as i'm sat in the garden and have some serious sun worshiping to get back to.... hope you're all enjoying the sunshine as much as I am, as let's face it: Sunshine makes everything seem better. xo


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