Apologies for the crappy Iphone pictures, but I just got too excited in the snow! Copenhagen was -8 degrees and I came back to a snowy Manchester so all in all I've pretty much been freezing for 4 days solid. Good job I'm an absolute child and still get so excited at the site of snow that I could squel. A few of you have mentioned about my new banner ( glad you like, I casually forgot to mention it in my last post, so I'm glad you guys are observant) I got bored of my old one so whipped it up and I actually really like it. My actually jewellery site will go live this week which I'm pretty happy about! That means that all of you beauties in America and Australia can now purchase from ASTRAEA. If you havent checked out my collection, you can do it HERE. Any way, now I have to go back to work. Laters, xo
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» Snow Day Sunday
Snow Day Sunday
Posted by admin
Posted on 4:24 AM
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Apologies for the crappy Iphone pictures, but I just got too excited in the snow! Copenhagen was -8 degrees and I came back to a snowy Manchester so all in all I've pretty much been freezing for 4 days solid. Good job I'm an absolute child and still get so excited at the site of snow that I could squel. A few of you have mentioned about my new banner ( glad you like, I casually forgot to mention it in my last post, so I'm glad you guys are observant) I got bored of my old one so whipped it up and I actually really like it. My actually jewellery site will go live this week which I'm pretty happy about! That means that all of you beauties in America and Australia can now purchase from ASTRAEA. If you havent checked out my collection, you can do it HERE. Any way, now I have to go back to work. Laters, xo
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