So as you may have heard through the Twittersphere, I've been distraught this past week thinking I had lost my Arty Oval. I realized last Saturday that I hadn't worn it in a while, and after searching high and low, came up empty handed. Now I know what you may be thinking, "losing a ring isn't that big a deal Vickie," but to me, arty is so much more than just a ring. It represents months and months of longing to own one, as well as a huge surprise from Mr. AIF one magical Christmas morning... Without a doubt, Arty is my most prized possession, and the thought of losing it broke my heart.
Now before you go and get all sympathetic on me, I have good news, my friends: I found it!!! Apparently Arty got tucked away into a kitchen cupboard without my knowledge... because really, why wouldn't you put a ring there? Anyway, I'm just glad to have my hand-candy back, safe and sound... And from here on out, I pledge to never leave it unattended in a kitchen again.
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