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Nokia/Elle Style Correspondent Contest...


Hi friends! As some of you might already know, I've entered myself in the Nokia & Elle Style Correspondent contest... Now I don't usually come to you guys asking for favours, but just this once I'm going to play the "friend card" (after all, I consider you guys friends by now) and ask for your help!

In this stage of the contest, participants will be weeded out based on not only their personal style, but their popularity as well. I've fallen waaaay behind in the "like" category, and so that's where you come in, dear reader. If each of you could take a moment to like my photo, it would give me a fighting chance of making it to the next round. I didn't want to ask, but your help could make a HUGE difference in making my dreams come true... and that's no exaggeration- I'd get to finally go to NYFW!!! Can you imagine?

So with that said, please, please, PLEASE take a minute to check out my photo today, and if you would be so kind as to "like" it, I'd be your best friend forever!!! ♡


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