Hi lovelies! I've had so much fun doing "Sunday Spotlight" each week that I thought it was time to introduce another weekly feature on AIF... let's face it, we're all slaves to fashion here, so I thought it would be fun to show you an item from my wardrobe each Wednesday. It might be an article of clothing, a fabulous accessory, or even a shoe, but if it's in my closet it's fair game...
For its inaugural post, Wardrobe Wednesday kicks off with one of my favourite items, a vintage fur coat. I bought this over the holidays at Value Village because it was so lovely and dear... I love old things, especially items that remind me of darling old ladies (are you starting to understand my Golden Girls obsession now?). Anyway, because I never really have occasion to wear this, I thought it deserved to be seen in some way, even if just on the blogosphere...

I hope you guys enjoyed this peak into what's hiding in my closet, and that you'll join me again next week for another edition of Wardrobe Wednesday... until then, xx.
PS- For all you lovelies who disagree with wearing fur (and believe me, I understand!), here's a little disclaimer post from October... I'm not evil, I swear!
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