I had the pleasure of briefly attending the Edmonton Spring Classic on Friday, a fabulous event that showcased eight local designers and a few of their best pieces in an intimate and interactive setting... Namely, a stage free mingle-fest between designers, models and fashion lovers alike! So basically, an ideal Friday night.
The event was set at the Treasury, a swanky downtown vodka bar that proved to be the perfect backdrop for Edmonton's fashion set to congregate. Live music, tasty treats and some serious fashion eye candy ensued, making my short time at the event bitter sweet... I so wish I could have stayed longer! Alas, I had to pick my mom up from the airport (super happy about the visit, sad about the timing) before the real fun started... Basically, a live photo shoot and a designer show-down judged by the audience. *sigh*
I did, however, manage to enjoy a nice glass of wine, snap a few quick shots (emphasis on few), and chat with a couple of the designers and their models... Oh, and I got to meet a fellow fashion blogger!
Maire (right) of Marie a la Mode was so incredibly sweet and easy to talk to, as was her lovely friend Danna (left)!
First place winner, and Handcuffs Required designer, Nomin Gatumur (right) posing with her model in this borrowed photo by Marie a la Mode... how sick is the skirt on that dress?!
Designer Heather Emily Murray (left) placed second in the design competition for her beautiful creations...
Parasol designer, and third place winner, Corinna Chow (right), posing with her lovely model...
Some stylish locals soaking up the scene... I'm so in love with the white H&M dress on the right!
And as you may have gauged from last week's sneak peak of my outfit, here's what I wore to the event... Seriously, Forever 21 may as well have sponsored me because I'm pretty much sporting them head to toe. Go figure...
Sadly, these are the only photos I have to share... Check out Marie's blog for more! Oh, and did you spot Mr. AIF looking handsome on the red carpet in that first pic? Oh I'm sorry, did I forget to mention there was a red carpet entrance? Amazingness... Let's just hope that the Edmonton Spring Classic becomes an annual event.
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