So after weeks of trying, I finally penned (not penciled- much more permanent!) a time with my fabulous photographer friend Adria to take some photos for AIF. As an extremely busy, successful young woman planning her upcoming nuptials, you can imagine how difficult this task truly was. Anyway, we finally set a date, and I set to work planning different looks and concepts... With three outfits, countless accessories and a spring in my step, I set off to meet Adria on what I hoped would be a lovely August day. Unfortunately for us, the elements were not exactly in support of our little venture.
The rain that fateful day resembled something closer to a torrential downpour than a light summer shower, and our big day (and my perfectly styled hair) was cut short. Seeking refuge under a bridge, we did however manage to take advantage of the fabulous graffiti adorning the cement walls (art that Adria herself actually helped create in high school no less!) and snapped up some hasty shots before the weather, and my increasingly frizzing locks, wrapped things up. Long story short, we had an amazing time, and although it didn't turn out quite as planned, I hope you all enjoy the end result!
Outfit details: Top- Winners; Shorts- Joe Fresh Style; Shoes- Aldo; Bag- Vintage Liz Claiborne; Bangles and Necklace- Vintage; Ring- Gifted
Photos by Adria Lipsett
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