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on the road again...

Some of you may have noticed my recent lack of blogging, and so please consider this post my way of apologizing... You see, dear reader, I have been in the process of relocating from my beautiful island city of Victoria all the way to Edmonton, Alberta... So after weeks of cleaning, sorting and packing, Mr. AIF and I tearfully (well, on my part at least!) said goodbye to our friends and family before making the epic 14 hour drive to our new home. With only a few minor blips along the way (mainly, arriving to our new place at 10 pm only to find that the electricity had been turned off!), we have been busy easing in to our new surroundings, which seem pretty amazing so far... And with daily jaunts to Ikea and the like taking up most of my time, I never dreamed that moving could be so fun! Thank you for all your patience, and believe me when I say that AIF will be back on track soon... pinky swear!


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