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BeetleJuice Blonde

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Me looking totally pissed off with the wind...screwface. Photobucket (Dress Influence, Red suedette jacket H&m, peace necklace Topman, shoes ebay, bag Morocco, Foxtail Ebay, Rings Forever21/H&M/ASTRAEA)

I picked up this amazing beetlejuice inspired dress in work last week and absolutely love it, but decided it needed a splash of colour and after a few weeks consideration, I finally got the red jacket from H&M.... It was pretty much a match made in heaven and the jacket and dress have become the best of friends. Being that I was in a beetlejuice-esque state of mind, I decided that it would be the perfect outfit to give my little skeleton boots their first trip out of the house. The boots seem to confuse people in a big way, as they tend to either find them completely amazing or just think I'm some sort of morbid goth... either way, I still love them. You'll have to excuse my stupid screwed up face, as it was pretty much freezing and the windiest day of all time.  Also, as promised, you can check out my jewellery site HERE (20% off until midnight tonight with the code ASTRAEA20) where you can buy the jewellery that I make, and I'll also be putting a few vintage/ morocco finds on there too. Enjoy. xo P.S after a week of glorious sunshine, it has now decided to snow in England (cheers Mother Nature) so I guess I'll be posting pretty wintery posts for a while yet...


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