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Sunday Spotlight...


Hello my sweets! How's everyone's Sunday going? My weekend has been chalk-full of assignments and group projects, but I'm very happy to say that after this week I'll officially be done my first year of journalism school! Woot woot! But enough about me, let's talk about Islabelle...

I stumbled upon her lovely blog, A Fine Day For Sailing, while on Chictopia the other day and knew instantly that I wanted to Sunday Spotlight her... Do you like how I made that into a verb? (Warning-- dork alert!) Anyway, isn't her style so eclectic and lovely? She has some amazing vintage pieces, and I'm especially envious of her Pendleton woolen jacket (pictured above) from Goodwill... What a score! Her blog (and her wicked Etsy shop, for that matter!) make me yearn for home and all the lovely thrift shops it boasts... Oh Islabelle, why must you be so devastatingly awesome?

Images courtesy of A Fine Day For Sailing



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