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Over the Top Swap!


This photo was taken last summer while I was getting ready for my big move to Edmonton... I think I spent something like two full days purging my closet in an excruciating attempt to sort out what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to toss- NOT. FUN.

As hard as it was to part with so many "old friends," however, the feeling of catharsis that accompanies a good closet purge every now and then is undeniable... Which brings me to the following question: Have you purged lately?

Well lovelies, if you live in Edmonton and feel the need to do a little spring closet cleaning of your own, look no further that the 2nd annual Over the Top Swap! Bring 6-12 pieces of your best gently worn clothing and accessories to the Telus Field on Saturday, April 30 (10 am- 6 pm) or Sunday, May 1 (11 am- 5 pm) to swap for some new-to-you duds... That's a green and budget-friendly way to spend the day if I ever heard one! Pluuuus, attendees will have access to spa services and complimentary makeovers, so really it's a win-win... Add in the fact that all remaining clothing will be donated to the Canadian Diabetes Association and the Bissel Centre, and you have yourself an all-around feel-good afternoon!

There will be a special "blogger rack" for Marie, Janis, Kassandra, Jenna and myself, so stop by and say hi! We'd love to chat and see what goodies you acquire throughout the day, so don't be shy!

For more information, check out overthetopswap.com



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