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Mori girls like cameras

 It has been well documented that mori girls are avid photographers. The original Mixi community of mori girls notes their propensity for wandering around and exploring, camera in hand. Mori girls are partial to solitary adventures and introspective journeys. In addition, inside the heart of many a mori girl is the desire for self-expression, which manifests in small ways like their individualistic fashion and lifestyle choices. Combine these two factors and you'll see why photographer is dear to the heart of many mori girls who want to document their adventures in a creative and inspiring way.

The beauty of photography is that it's accessible to almost everyone. There's no need to get lost in technical details if you're not into that sort of thing. A simple point-and-shoot will suffice for many (and, indeed, a good photographer can make more amazing with the simplest of cameras than someone else with tons of gear). Other mori girls may prefer digital SLRs because they let them play around with their pictures even more. Still others favour toy cameras like the Holga, Diana or Lomo. But it is the vintage camera that secretly pulls at the heartstrings of many mori girls. Selecting their film with care, lovingly loading the camera, anticipating every shot and then feeling excited while waiting for the film to be developed adds to the experience. Analogue SLRs, rangefinders or medium format cameras, there's one for every mori girl.

Whichever camera you prefer, remember that it's not that camera that matters but who's behind it. In my experience, the most basic digital point-and-shoot cameras can take pictures you never knew were possible, and never will until you get to know your camera intimately. Take sincere pictures and people will be able to see something of you in them.

I myself have a Konica C35, and my dad has vintage SLRs like the Olympus OM1 which I get all excited over. I like using film because it makes me ponder my shots more carefully, and I enjoy selecting films and seeing the various effects each has. But seriously, some of my favourite pictures were taken with my trusty Canon Digital Ixus iZoom, a tiny point-and-shoot that I bought with my first ever real paycheck (from a temporary job) 3 years ago. It's breaking down now but I hope I can keep it alive for as long as possible! I've taken so many 'bad' pictures over the years, but I have enjoyed the process, learnt new things and preserved great memories.

By the way, check out Miki's photographs. I chanced upon this on the web sometime ago and have since fallen in love with the way she sees the world.

Image source: Rocamiki


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